Wrinkled-leaved Viburnum, Viburnum Rhytidophyllum

50.00 лв.

Wrinkled-leaved Viburnum,

Viburnum Rhytidophyllum, 80/100 cm, at prom


Viburnum Rhytidophyllum е a large bush, reaching up to 5m. height originally from China . Great as a single plant or as a backdrop to large gardens. The leaves are very long and have a texture similar to wrinkled leather. Dark green above and gray below, they remain on the tree in winter, although sometimes they droop slightly from the cold, at the first warming in spring, they immediately restore their normal appearance. The flower buds are the other decoration, which is why this shrub-tree is popular. The yellowish-white clusters bloom in May, and each inflorescence can contain up to 2500 individual flowers.


