Pampas grass, Cortaderia, бяла, (Cortaderia Sellona)

20.00 лв.

Pampas grass, Cortaderia, бяла, (Cortaderia Sellona)

The cortaderia looks great in the yard or around the summer cottage. However, for some reason, few people grow it. Let's take a closer look at this powerful and at the same time elegant plant. The pampas grass is a perennial plant of the Zitni family, which is able to form large and thick tufts up to 3 m height and width. In the wild, this grass grows in the pampas steppes of South America and is considered a weed. The elongated pointed leaves of the plant hang under the weight of their own weight and thus give the bush a rounded appearance. Pampas grass blooms from August until frost with branching silvery floral racemes, pink or yellow color.


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