Oleander on a tree, (Nerium oleander )

129.00 лв.

Oleander on a tree, (Nerium oleander )

The Zokum, also called flax (Nerium oleander), is among the oldest domesticated ornamental plants.

Олеандър пък означава отровна маслина – листата му силно напомнят маслинените и всичките му части са наистина отровни.

It is a large evergreen shrub. Under the right conditions, it can easily surpass it 2,5 meters. Its leathery leaves are narrow and long, reach up to 10-15 cm.

Depending on the variety, the zokum blooms from June to October. Because there are flower buds in one inflorescence at the same time, and light colors, and fruits, the flowering of each bush is very long.

Цветовете са в нежни тонове – бели, pink, red, yellow, culture. Depending on the variety, they can be simple or kitschy. They are collected in complex inflorescences on the ends of the branches. Most varieties emit a very pleasant aroma, which, however, is too intense for some people and causes headaches.

Unfortunately, some very beautiful varieties are devoid of fragrance, but this shortcoming is compensated by the wonderful colors.
